Friday, March 26, 2010

Embeded font anti aliasing

Hello all,

i am trying to use an embed font in a movie. while editing, everything looks great but when i publish to swf, the text displays pixelized and rough, as no the anti-aliasing is not applied. any tips on how to correct this?

i imported the font properly to my working library and set the linkage to ''export to actionscript''.

I also noticed that when i do not import the font to library, the font displays just fine..


Embeded font anti aliasing

assign your textfield's anitaliastype to advanced:

tf.antiAliasType = ''advanced'';

Embeded font anti aliasing


thank you for your reply.

excuse me for asking something that only a beginner would ask..(i am a beginner) but my text is a static text and has no ''instance name'' option.

how do i refer to the text field than?

also, i noticed that even though the fonts are embedded into my flash file, i cannot see them on machines that dont have them installed.

i followed the font embedding and installation quite exactly (importing to library, setting linkage for action script) and still it doesnt go.

I even tried chcking different types of fonts (true type, open type, etc...) and nothing... i am quite lost..

again, thank you.

While kGlad probably has better information to offer on this aspect, I believe that not all fonts are agreeable with Flash, so despite the taking the correct steps for embedding, some fonts simply will not embed.

By design (or so we're told), a static textfield does not require embedding the font.?But I have seen cases in my own work where this has failed to hold true.?In these cases, where static text does not display the intended font when viewed on machines not having that text, I reduce the text into graphics so that the font issue disappears (done by selecting the textfield and using Modify -%26gt; Break Apart -%26gt; Break Apart)


thanks a lot.

You're welcome

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