I am having a pecular issue here with updating a MSSQL2000 db using cfmx7. When i post unicode using firefox it goes in the database fine and it's viewable fine using either FF or IE, but when I post unicode using IE, it goes into the database as question marks.
You can see the top two postings at http://isajha.com to see the difference in postings using FF vs IE. Your help is appreciated.
To test it you can use the following username/password
username: demouser
pasword: demouser
Unicode problem CFMX7 Firefox works but...if the front %26amp; back end code's the same for both browsers (is it?) then perhaps
the IE user's browser was using another encoding (question marks indicate data
garbaged by encoding).
do your cf pages have a BOM? it's not really required for utf-8 but some s/w
might not be able to figure out the page encoding w/out it.
what version of IE?
Unicode problem CFMX7 Firefox works but...Hi Paul, thanks for your reply.
The front and back end code is same except for using the following javascript components for ajax calls.
XMLHttpRequest() (for firefox)
ActiveXObject(''Microsoft.XMLHTTP'') these two for IE depending on whichever is returned.
I have put %26lt;meta http-equiv=''Content-Type'' content=''text/html; charset=UTF-8''%26gt; on top of the page and %26lt;cfprocessingdirective pageencoding=''UTF-8''%26gt;?on application.cfm
what bugs me is it works on FF but not on IE :s I tried both IE7 and IE8
I am not using any BOM how does one use it?
Still waiting for any pointers on this
cfprocessingdirective is not going to work in the application.cfm it needs to go on each page.
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